Register STEPPING FORWARD TOGETHER Application for Free Call Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *RoleCongregationStreet AddressCity *State *Zip/Postal Code *Rabbis: *Rabbi 2Rabbi 2 Email Presidents: President 2:President 2 EmailExecutive Director (if you have one):Planning Chairs:ReadinessWhy are you undertaking planning now?What do you hope to achieve? (goals?) Are there any major decisions or new projects currently underway or likely to take place in the coming year (e.g., capital campaign, rabbinic search)?What barriers to the strategic planning process, if any, might you need to overcome?Past Planning EffortsWhen was the last formal strategic or long term planning process undertaken? Impact? BackgroundPlease describe the demographics of your area. Are new Jewish families moving in? Are young families moving in?Program Attendance at A GlanceSERVICEFriday Night (regular) NUMBER IN ATTENDANCE (AVERAGE)Friday Night (special dinner, music, etc.)NUMBER IN ATTENDANCE (AVERAGE)Saturday morning (B’nai Mitzvah) NUMBER IN ATTENDANCE (AVERAGE)Saturday morning (no B’nai Mitzvah) NUMBER IN ATTENDANCE (AVERAGE)Weekly minyanNUMBER IN ATTENDANCE (AVERAGE)LEARNING ENROLLMENTECC10 YEARS AGO (AVERAGE)NOWRS 10 YEARS AGO (AVERAGE)NOWHebrew HS 10 YEARS AGO (AVERAGE)NOWBM per year 10 YEARS AGO (AVERAGE)NOWMEMBERSHIP FAMILY UNITS10 YEARS AGONOWTips for Successful Steering Committees We have come to realize that more than any other factor, the one thing that determines a congregation’s success or failure in completing the strategic planning process and reaching the implementation stage, is the leadership and commitment of the steering committee. Our committee model includes the senior rabbi (and other clergy as appropriate), the executive director and 8-10 lay leaders. Half are proven experienced leaders. The other half are people with the right “characteristics” (see below) but they have not been involved with the synagogue board. We will provide you with the materials and support but ownership of the process and responsibility for the completion of the report and implementation is yours. Characteristics of a Successful Steering Committee Member » A proven leader who takes the time to understand what needs to be done, and can build the support needed to get it done. » A leader who has some of the necessary strategic skills – facilitation, data gathering, data analysis, writing, task force management. » A leader who has the respect of their peers. » Someone who can see the forest beyond the trees and not get lost in the details. » A person who knows how to work collaboratively as part of a team. » Someone who will commit to the timeline of the program (approximately 12- 15 months). » A member who can put the interests of the larger congregation above their own. We would encourage you to meet with your rabbi and professional staff to come up with names of people who might fit the description of a Steering Committee member. We look forward to guiding you in this sacred work. Sincerely, Bob Leventhal Submit